Good hotel
in the historic center of Bendery city
Hotel "Prietenia" is located in the historic center of Bendery city. Nearby are the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, the world famous Dniester River and of course the Fortress.

Business hotel on the Dniester river «Prietenia»

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Last week at the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) conference in Toronto Canada Stephen Dubner of Freakonomics told some stories about using data for decision making. I et stort dansk materiale fandtes der en øget risiko for spontanabort. Das führt dazu, dass beispielsweise eine beliebte 15lb-Schnur eines anderen Herstellers erst bei 23lb reißt und deshalb die meisten Kunden glauben, diese Schnur verfüge über eine extrem hohe Tragkraft auf. diflucan over the counter hong kong belongs to a group of medicines called azole antibiotics. Sono usati soltanto per gli organismi che non hanno dei breakpoints specifici. Is diflucan an over the counter drug is used to treat infections caused by fungus, which can invade any part of the body including the mouth, throat, esophagus, lungs, bladder, genital area, and the blood. Fluconazole must be taken for at least 2 weeks after the symptoms of the infection resolve to prevent the infection from returning. The AUC and C max of midazolam were significantly higher after oral than IV administration of fluconazole.

Advantages of the hotel «Prietenia»

Our hotel is located in the center of Bandar near the central square. The proximity to major attractions, places of business and trade activity will allow you to easily plan your day, work productively and have a good rest. Our hotel on the Dniester invites you to take advantage of the business center and conference area. We offer a wide range of different services - a billiard room, sauna and 10-meter heated pool, a nightclub, 2 restaurants where the menu includes national Moldovan dishes.

The restaurants "Prietenia" offers a refined menu. The restaurant service provides catering services and is happy to arrange for you a variety of banquets and feasts.

How to book a room

Book a room at the "Prieteniya" you can through the online booking form on the website or by contacting the managers phone listed on the site or by writing to us at e-mail -

We offer individual and group reservations and are always happy to provide you with the best conditions in Bendery city!

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